Saturday, January 9, 2010

His Invitation

I'm sitting here thinking about lyrics to Shawn McDonald's song "Have you ever"...
"Have you ever wanted to be someone else?
Have you ever wanted just to be someone?
Have you ever wanted to reach your dreams?
Have you ever wanted life to be more than it seems?"

So, true a single person well, YES, I have wanted to be someone else.  I see so many beautiful women and their beautiful families and think, "God, why can't I have that?"  Now, I'm not trying to say that the grass is greener.  I know plenty of marriages in which the grass IS NOT greener!  I'm just saying that there is a definite heart pain in observing what seems to be "perfect people"..."perfect families"...or, what I'm wanting to say right now...the "beautiful people"!

Beautiful people that seem to have hope.  But, do they?  I'm not sure.  I'm not sure because I guess I've never seen them "in the trenches".  Meaning, what does their church-going and faith look like when stripped of family, money, comforts or acceptance?  AND, what does their faith look like when approached by someone that may not be as beautiful as them or as smart or whatever?  Do they get in the trenches and LOVE...ACCEPT....INVITE or INCLUDE?  DO THEY SHARE THEIR HOPE???  Their HOPE just might be what helps another brother or sister grow and heal!

Have you ever seen Casting Crowns video of "Does anybody hear her?"  Pretty powerful video that shows a lone girl desiring to go to church and be included with a group of people.  Time after time, they pass her by.  And, I think of the line that says,
"Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me."

Hope tucked away in you and me?  Yes, Jesus Christ!  And, would Jesus pass her by knowing she NEEDS hope?  He wouldn't.  He would stop, take the time to talk with her, be with her and invite her to be with Him.
Are we keeping our hope tucked away?  Are we the superficial church that has forgotten His invitation and His command to LOVE, ACCEPT, INCLUDE...and, INVITE?

Where is His invitation?  It's always there.  It's just not always there through you and me, is it?  As His Beloved, may we supernaturally feel His love and hope IN US and may we all learn to share that hope and not tuck it away.  Because His Invitation IS through you and each other HOPE!

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