Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sloppy Wet Kiss!

While listening to Jesus Culture today, I was struck by the way Kim Walker sings/writes about Psalm 85...
"So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss and my heart turns violently inside of my chest.  I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way...that He loves us..."

Very powerful and yet, FUN for me to think about a "sloppy wet kiss"!  The first thing I think about when a kiss is described this way is a dog and it makes me smile!  I love dogs!  I believe they can be used by God so we can experience what His love, forgiveness and loyalty truly is!  Have you ever heard of anyone talk about the "Heavenly Hound"?  The way God just keeps loving us over and over and over again every time we "come home to Him" and He is just SO HAPPY to see us and SO HAPPY we're home!  It doesn't matter if we really screwed up the day before or just an hour ago or whatever, He greets us at the door with a "sloppy wet kiss" and loves us anyway!  He's happy...we're home!

Now, I'm not trying to take away from the beautiful depth in the way Psalm 85 describes the Cross.  I just think it's fun to think about and it brings me JOY!  Joy is definitely found at the cross!  And to add this to what I previously have held in my heart when I've read Psalm 85 just blows me away!  I think my heart DOES want to "turn violently inside of my chest"!  I really don't think our hearts could handle all that the Cross represents!

Psalm 85 is sometimes one of my favorite Psalms to meditate on.  To sit and just imagine the God of the Universe reaching down to us as we reach up to Him with the VERY faith that HE gave us?!  It IS what my heart wants and NEEDS in order to TRULY surrender to Him and worship Him!  Here's the main verses I'm referring to...

"Steadfast love and faithfulness meet; righteousness and peace kiss each other.  Faithfulness springs up from the ground, and righteousness looks down from the sky. Yes, the LORD will give what is good,
and our land will yield its increase. Righteousness will go before him and make his footsteps a way."
-Psalm 85:10-13(ESV)

And, if you have time, you should listen to Jesus Culture's, "How He Loves Us"...

Beloved, I pray Psalm 85 touches the depths of your heart and soul like it did for me today! And, as His Beloved, may we all experience the JOY of a "Sloppy Wet Kiss"!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Transference & weight...pray & wait!

Transference in the medical profession, for the most part, can be pretty straight forward.  Patient's trauma and pain often brings out other internal or emotional wounds.  Often times, as treatment proceeds, well, a medical professional can become the "sounding board" for a few other problems.  At this point, it can be fairly easy to see when a patient has unrealistic expectations of a professional.   After 13 years, I've been able to clue in on some of these and adjust treatment plan/session accordingly.

So, why is it that when it comes to transference within a friendship or a closer relationship that this subtle phenomenon can sneak up on me and blind side me like none other?!  I'm generally the "good girl" or the "tough girl" that plays by the rules and can just keep "toughing it out" to the next season or the next accomplishment.  And, well, I think when these qualities are combined with a really good season...well, I become vulnerable...or "attractive" to those that are in very tough places.  Don't get me wrong...I KNOW, in a blink of an eye, God can reverse this....AND, he HAS.  However, that weight that we pick-up in care taking someone in a bad position can get heavier and heavier.  We start to "carry the load" thinking we are following God's command to carry one anothers burdens, and then somewhere along the line we cross-over to a point where the weight becomes too much.  Transference has occured and now, no one really knows where one begins and ends and no one knows whose crap is whose!?!?  Subtle and very frustrating.
Now, when this MUCH are we supposed to work on healing or balance?  Or...I wonder how LONG are we supposed to wait for seasons to shift, our wounds to heal, someone or something to change?  Well, I believe we are SUPPOSED TO GO THE DISTANCE...

"If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles."  -Matthew 5:41

My pastor recently talked about "hanging in there" for two years with a narcissitic friend of hers and they FINALLY had some break!  I can't imagine...but, good for her for hanging in there!  Why can't we all do that?
Why can't I be in it for the long haul?  Not give up?  Forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive????!!!!!  Something we all need to think about.  I have to admit...I think I have given up too quickly on some of my brothers and sisters.  However, finding that balance of "hanging in there" and not allowing the weight to over take us...THAT's the tricky part.

So, if you're feeling the weight of transference or whatever the case may be...pray and do your best to hang in there and find that manageable and appropriate balance!  WAIT for Jesus!  I believe He will show up and heal at the right time.  He will wait for YOU, Beloved!  So, wait for your friend...or your brother and sister...for they are also His!  We are all His Beloved...may we learn to carry one another's burdens in the appropriate and safe way that He calls us to, all while praying and waiting!  And, in that waiting, I pray we all would somehow be able to trust and worship Him!  I believe we might just be surprised to find all along...Jesus was waiting for us...His Beloved...His Bride!

"I am still confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the LORD
in the land of the living.
Wait for the LORD;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the LORD." -Psalm 27:13-14

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Few & The Narrow

So often I have to remind myself of a couple of scriptures when it comes to the lack of interest in serving the church. I was a member of a pretty big church for 10 years and I remember how it seemed like the same few people did all the “work”.  Same people interceding, same people serving communion, so on and so forth. AND, well serving His church also includes reaching out and including the broken-hearted, the lost, the lonely…the “least of these”.

2And he said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. 3Go your way; behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves. –Luke 10:2-3(ESV)

Graham Cooke often says his ministry is “reaching Christians for Christ”…and, while I laugh at that statement (because it’s funny), I also ache inside a little because so often that is the case! We as Christians just sometimes don’t GET IT!!! We are SO COMFORTABLE in America that if reaching out and including people doesn’t fit into our schedules, life-style or clique…well, we are just not going to do it!  It seems to me that Jesus’ ministry was primarily filled with finding…even going out of His way (Woman at the well) to reach the fatherless, the rejected, the needy…which can be any of us…anyone that is HONEST with their brokenness!

It’s hard to be honest about brokenness, but sometimes, when we are, we realize we are not alone…ALL of us are broken! And, the interesting thing to me is the way God reveals this is often through those in our community in which we least expect it!

“Community is the place where the person you least want to live with, always lives!”-Henri Nouwen

So, I tried another big church for awhile and well, I wonder why this was the same case with a "few workers"!? Hmmm…can Satan have us so deceived that we don’t follow our mission? Do we need to have a “come to Jesus meeting” with each other? OR, do we need to pray that we would LIVE the mission and connect with each other? Well, YES, PRAYER is the obvious choice, but I believe we also need to just realize that maybe FEW will truly reach the harvest?! Few because I believe the choice to serve like Jesus wants us to also is HARD and well, NARROW!  Few actually choose to connect with those in their community and serve.

13"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. –Matthew 7:13-14(ESV)

The narrow gate is hard because it often is the uncomfortable route for most of us. It includes obedience, discipline, suffering, pain and SURRENDERING! Surrendering our lives daily to God’s will! Just this past week, my small group studied and discussed surrendering.

I have to admit…a VERY hard thing for me sometimes! Probably because it IS including the narrow way! But, WHY is it that I want the wide gate? This gate leads to destruction? Probably because I believe the wide gate IS the best and may be “easy” in the short-term, but then, eventually leads to my harm. So, right now, the choice again is PRAYER! Prayer that I would have the COURAGE to enter that narrow gate, surrender and serve those Christ wants me to serve!

Again, I would like to share a poem God gave me as I processed surrendering…

Heartbeat of God

Laying my head
Upon Your chest
Your pulse I hear
As I rest.

You gently say,
“I am here.”
“No more worry,
No more fear!”

Heartbeat of God
Beat with mine
Restore my soul
Take my life.

In Your Comfort
I am still
Beside Your stream
In Your Will.

Walking in peace
Guide my step
Your rhythm leads
Right or left.

Heartbeat of God
Beat with Mine
Restore my soul
Take my life.
     -Tammy Carter

So, as His Beloved, I pray we would be part of the few to reach the harvest, enter the narrow gate...AND surrender to Him! Surrender because I believe He will restore our souls giving us rest, peace, trust, faith and HOPE!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Let's be "Christian about this thing"!

Okay, who doesn't think that The Blind Side is one of the best movies EVER?!  Unbelievable!  I won't give too much away, but there is a conversation in there that you have to be paying attention to in order to catch.  It's a scene early on in the movie where Big Mike is lying on the couch of a couple who has "taken him in" and the couple is arguing about what to's the conversation:

Woman: I’m tired of having someone always in our home. I’m tired of him eating all the food.

Man: Look, man, you gotta be Christian about this thing.

Woman: Let somebody else be Christian about this thing.

Man: Dee, come on, I can’t kick him out on the street like he’s some dog.

Woman: Let somebody else take the responsibility.

WOW..."Let somebody else be Christian about this thing"?!?!  "Let somebody else take the responsibility"?!?!  Couldn't believe my ears...then, it hit me...isn't that US?  Don't WE put off everything that isn't convenient, scheduled, comfortable, responsible...the "Christian thing to do"?  I mean, this guy was homeless and kept having nightmares that flashed back to childhood trauma and this woman says, "Let somebody else be Christian about this thing"?!

I do know Jesus came for the sick...the wounded...the traumatized.  And, as I have mentioned before, one of my pastors made the comment about how Jesus was always hanging out with people with problems.  And, well, in my opinion, we all have problems.  But, I know He uses us in each other's lives to heal and to "bind up the broken-hearted" so, I think I need to take a little inventory.  Am I reaching out to the sick...or, am I only hanging out with those that are "normal" or "comfortable"?  Tough question for any of us to answer.  I've heard A LOT of talk about community and connecting and getting messy...but, I haven't SEEN OR DONE a lot to put this into practice.

So, I wonder, can we "cross" other barriers or segregation lines to form community?  Lines like race, sex, color, health, intelligence, wealth, appearance, etc.  I think if we did this more often, it would bless and heal more in our lives than we could ever imagine!!!  

Back to The Blind Side...
Well, somebody else WAS "Christian about this thing"!...or to the traumatized and homeless, Big Mike!  This lady, Leigh Anne, SAW him and INVITED him into their home.  She didn't give up on him and even when he didn't trust and tried to run.  She was persistent, loved him and DIDN'T give up on him!

She even walked away from some "high society"/financially wealthy friends!  One of her friends made a comment to her about how she was changing Big Mike's life...well, Leigh Anne promptly responded with, "No, he's changing ours!"

So, if you haven't seen this movie...DO SO!!!  Then, watch it again...then again...and well, maybe again!  If you don't have the access or the time...well, read the Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-12...and then, read it again...and again....and again!!! :-)

Wake up, Beloved!  He is everywhere....even in those you may have overlooked, abandoned and maybe thought you were "better than".  Jesus shows up in so many different places...often where we least expect it and often where we think we need to turn away from!  The "least of these" changes so often and are where you are only because of Him...and, that can change in a blink of an eye!

I believe Leigh Anne knew that...and she WAS "Christian about this thing"!!!

God have mercy on Your Beloved!

"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy,"  -Matthew 5:7

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Knit II

Hey my fellow brothers and sisters! I know, I know…you all are maybe sick of my knitting fixation…BUT, God is teaching me so much through this that I want to share His blessings!

I recently started a new knitting project. And, with good timing, I received the book, “Knitting for dummies”! While it is a good teaching book for the task itself…some of the words really made me think about this life God has given us and how He has knitted us all together as one body to display His perfect design!

As you all read, my last lesson(blog) took me through Psalm 139 and seeing the way He has knitted us together individually! But, recently, I read Col. 2:2-3 and Col. 2:19 and God reveled the many ways He has knitted us all together as one body:

Briefly, Col. 2:2-3 the ESV and NIV translations:
“knit together in love” and “united in love”
BUT, expanding The Message paraphrase REALLY hit my heart:

Wow, what an amazing God! I picture all of us joined in prayer together, carrying one another’s burdens and loving on one another! Then, I imagine God just looks down and smiles on us because He sees that this “joining together” is beautiful…it creates a perfect design and He loves it…loves US!

Then, Col. 2:19…
ESV: “nourished and knit together”, NIV: “supported and held together”!
And, well, again my favorite…The Message:
“Christ, who puts us together in one piece, whose very breath and blood flow through us”

Again, I love how God brings us together! And well, it is LOVE that brings us together! And, if you’ve read one of my past blogs on love( ) well, you know my thoughts on love. And, it’s not always love as maybe the WORLD thinks of love. Sometimes it’s messy and painful…but, it always seems to teach us something and lead us back to HIM! It IS sacrifice...sacrifice of our souls for one another…just as Christ did on the Cross!

So, my family LOVED me well this week! Lots of prayers for my heart that have driven me back into my OVERCOMING phase!!! As you all read in my last poem…I truly HAVE seen His hand work in my life as an overcomer!
As many of you know, God has given me the courage to get beyond the trials this year and set some goals in getting back to what I used to do! I made a great list of things and was able to accomplish most of them! Just a FEW:
1. Back on the skis!
2. Hiked above 14000’…first time in four years!
3. Returned to church and prayer team!
4. Return to my career as a manual therapist!
5. Cycled over 65 miles…again, first time in four years! AND, the JOY as my fellow cyclists remember my famous, “It’s Shammy Time!” shout before a ride!
6. Returned to running!

The list goes on! Just a few praises! I did hit a slump lately with some pain issues, but yet, He still sustains me and I just keep moving forward! I know He has us all intertwined and knit together for a reason…it’s just sometimes hard to see that reason in the midst of painful realizations! But, it IS pain and suffering that we are blessed to share in with Christ! His suffering redeemed us all! His blood shed on the Cross for US!!! I imagine it is HIS blood that flows through all of us…knitting us together in love!

I am blown away by how He is working all things for good! As I just told a few good friends…I have never been SO close to the “threshold of hope” in my entire life!!! I love community and the importance of sharing in these things and being able to pray for one another...we truly are knit together for His good purposes!

Okay, thank you, my community for reading yet another KNIT blog! I’m thinking this next project or garment I’m knitting is going to be the best! I am getting better you know…despite all of my short-comings, I am His Beloved and well, He loves where I’m at and SO LOVES my potential! After all, He knit me together…knitted US together! Praise God we are ONE as His Beloved!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Wounded Heart

In celebration of the first day of Passover, I thought I'd share another poem. One that recently helped free my heart of some wounds. It is a progress of revisiting a past and then "seeing" the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross for me...for all of us! I don't know about all of you, but as His Beloved, I became excited about entering the wilderness today! Why? Because He ALWAYS "captivates my heart, and speaks KINDLY to me"(Hosea 2:14-15)! Let's get the heck out of Egypt!!!

A Wounded Heart

A raging hemorrhage
In the depths of my soul.
Where was He?
Where did He go?
As I lie in darkness
With no control.

A tremendous shock
That deadens the pain.
Is this real?
Is this the train?
That runs through my nightmares
As of late.

An image that scars
Repressed to survive.
Has it surfaced?
Why won’t it die?
Along with the damage
To my heart and mind.

A childhood lost
To the violent abuse.
Where is the hope?
What’s the use?
In trying to hide
The numbing truth.

A Pandora’s Box
With a Perfect Storm.
Did this reveal?
The long-ignored
Desire inside
To be adored.

A wounded heart
With an eternal shift
Is this Grace?
Is this the Gift?
For myself and others
Repent, Forgive.

A hope for love
A return of Christ.
He is here!
He is Alive!
Pursuing my heart
Restoring my life!

A child that is held
A child that is free!
Abba Father!
Joy of salvation
Dying for me!

-Tammy Carter(3/6/10)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Knit Together

13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,
I know that full well. -Psalm 139:13-14

I recently was overwhelmed with awe for my Savior as I read Psalm 139 and meditated on the thought of Him knitting me together!  The thought of a Divine hand weaving my soul together with a unique pattern and design.  And, I wonder why I can doubt so much and why I can go into so much self-contempt!?  What happens to us as we leave the womb and enter the world?  A fallen world that bombards us with lies every day.  So, as I am working on my own knitting project, I pray.  I pray that God would show me His pattern for my life and set me on a course of TRULY knowing He took great care in designing me!

It's amazing to think about the Creator of the universe sitting down to knit me together!  I think about my knitting projects and the excitement in choosing the thread, the pattern, the weave, the design, etc.  Did God Himself get excited about going and choosing the thread for my life?  Wow!  That's hard to believe, but as much as He loves us, I bet He did!  Every aspect of the creation(us) exciting a designer that was SO pleased and happy with His design!  The God of the universe sitting down to knit!!!  I imagine Him being so patient as He brings about the perfect color, pattern, design and order that gives the final project it's beauty!

In the past, it has been so easy for me to be amazed by God's creation of land and nature because I've been so attracted to the outdoors!  I love being in His mountains and seeing His overwhelming Majesty!  The beautiful lakes, streams and wild flowers that line the mountains and the sight of a hawk soaring above a meadow that completes His perfect canvas!  In the mountains I can truly SEE His handiwork and KNOW He is an artist!

So, to think about God as an artist in creating me?  Wow!  I have to admit, not something that I have pondered and grasped as much as I have lately.  I believe I've been able to SEE others, but in the sense of seeing their hearts and the GOOD in them!  So, looking at others as God's art is amazing to think about!  I wonder if that is some of what the band Jars of Clay were thinking when they wrote the song, "Art in me"?  Here are some of the lyrics:
In your picture book I'm trying hard to see
Turning endless pages of this tragedy
Sculpting every move you compose a symphony
You plead to everyone, "see the art in me"

So, can I see the art in me?  In others?  Can we see the art in each other?  I sure hope so!  And, I hope we can learn to see it better and better as we encounter one another in community!  For I also believe God has intertwined our lives together by His Spirit.  We ARE one!  Designed to be one in Him!  What a beautiful thing to think about!

Right now, I think God might even be repairing and carefully picking up some "dropped stitches" of my life!  I know when I drop stitches in my own knitting projects, I often go running to friends who can help me fix it.  Sometimes, yes, I am able to fix the error myself, but I am so happy to have friends who can help me when I can't.

So, as I have pondered these things about knitting and God as a knitter...well, I pray we all would see the beautiful design that He has created in ourselves and in others.  I pray we would allow God through our community to pick up dropped stitches and truly SEE each other as His perfect creation!  SEE it Beloved, His creative expression is in all of us!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

His Invitation

I'm sitting here thinking about lyrics to Shawn McDonald's song "Have you ever"...
"Have you ever wanted to be someone else?
Have you ever wanted just to be someone?
Have you ever wanted to reach your dreams?
Have you ever wanted life to be more than it seems?"

So, true a single person well, YES, I have wanted to be someone else.  I see so many beautiful women and their beautiful families and think, "God, why can't I have that?"  Now, I'm not trying to say that the grass is greener.  I know plenty of marriages in which the grass IS NOT greener!  I'm just saying that there is a definite heart pain in observing what seems to be "perfect people"..."perfect families"...or, what I'm wanting to say right now...the "beautiful people"!

Beautiful people that seem to have hope.  But, do they?  I'm not sure.  I'm not sure because I guess I've never seen them "in the trenches".  Meaning, what does their church-going and faith look like when stripped of family, money, comforts or acceptance?  AND, what does their faith look like when approached by someone that may not be as beautiful as them or as smart or whatever?  Do they get in the trenches and LOVE...ACCEPT....INVITE or INCLUDE?  DO THEY SHARE THEIR HOPE???  Their HOPE just might be what helps another brother or sister grow and heal!

Have you ever seen Casting Crowns video of "Does anybody hear her?"  Pretty powerful video that shows a lone girl desiring to go to church and be included with a group of people.  Time after time, they pass her by.  And, I think of the line that says,
"Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me."

Hope tucked away in you and me?  Yes, Jesus Christ!  And, would Jesus pass her by knowing she NEEDS hope?  He wouldn't.  He would stop, take the time to talk with her, be with her and invite her to be with Him.
Are we keeping our hope tucked away?  Are we the superficial church that has forgotten His invitation and His command to LOVE, ACCEPT, INCLUDE...and, INVITE?

Where is His invitation?  It's always there.  It's just not always there through you and me, is it?  As His Beloved, may we supernaturally feel His love and hope IN US and may we all learn to share that hope and not tuck it away.  Because His Invitation IS through you and each other HOPE!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Out of the darkness?

"It's dark in here...very dark. I can't see You, I can't hear You...where are You, God?"

In all honesty, I think that became my most used phrase in my journal this past year. Crying out to God in the midst of hardship, loneliness and pain. Happy to have 2009 over with...praying for a better 2010!

However, this past year did make me re-evaluate true blessings...OR as one of my Christian sisters put it, "Silver Linings"! Just waking every morning and saying, "This is the day that the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it!" Okay, some mornings it didn't come out as chipper as maybe you just read that. But, I WAS thankful for the provision of groceries, a car, gas in the by day of not knowing where these things would come from. He provided...and well, I guess I have to be honest and say that I probably wasn't thankful all of the time. In fact, I'm pretty sure I still complained and cried out to Him!

So, I'm thankful prayers came, intermittent times of worship happened and I am still in love with my Savior...thankful for His promise to not let anything snatch me away from His hand! But, instead of a day by day thankfulness...well, it seemed to be a day by day "fight" with a hardened heart, pain, loneliness, anger and bitterness. And, at times I DID wonder if He was even there. I hate that I struggled so...and well, still do. But, I also hate that in this struggle, fear gripped me and kept me from reaching out. So, I isolated...afraid to tell anyone of my struggles...especially my Christian friends. Those around me seemed to have perfect lives! Plenty of social events, family, physical health, finances, etc.

Have you ever just wanted someone to know the REAL you and not judge you? I think we all have. A community that would sit with you until physical pain subsides...someone to SEE your heart and HEAR what you are saying...and, someone that actually would not leave?! I think too often in the Christian community, we hide behind "boundaries". We take this pop-psychology theory and decide we are not going to get messy and involved with those in need...the wounded...the sick, etc. and we say, "Oh, they need help from someone else...I have to set my boundaries and take care of me!" Selfish? Narcissistic? Yes! I'm not saying we push limits in an unhealthy way...but, why NOT get a little messy? Recently, my pastor talked about how Jesus was always hanging out with those with "problems"! So, can we get messy and be around those with problems? Another one of my pastors also talked about when Lazarus came out of the grave Jesus didn't tell counselors, pastors, "the professionals" to remove his grave clothes...he said YOU remove his grave clothes!!! His family and friends that were there! Jesus wanted Lazarus' community to remove his grave clothes!

Why can't we get messy and remove a few grave clothes from our brothers and sisters? Are we selfish with our time? Are we afraid we might look "bad"...ruin our reputation? Are we wanting to stay in the comfort zone that has no room for the poor and the oppressed? I sure hope not. I pray I wouldn't miss Jesus in the "least of these" and miss the blessing He has for me through them...through me? Yes, I believe I am considered the least of these in a lot of ways! I've been exposed to plenty of people who "in this world" are definitely higher status than I am. And, well, I can't has hurt to know they have rejected me because of my status and who I may or may not be rubbing elbows with! OR...maybe they think I have "problems"! And, yes, I do! But, we all do...we all need Him...we all need each other! We all need a few grave clothes removed!

But, in the midst of some of this horrible rejection...I saw it! I saw what the world is drawn to! And, I WAS drawn to it too! Drawn to a worldly status of comfort, looks/clothes, cars, people, money, etc. The list goes on and on! AND, probably the biggest thing that concerns me for all of us in our struggles against what we worship...happiness...worldly happiness! What I would call "The New Age Happiness Gospel!" Where no one ever shows lamentation, grieving or sadness...because that is weakness! My prayer is we all would KNOW the true meaning of JOY!!! Joy=calm delight! Calm delight in our Savior! Some of the most depressed people by the world's definition are probably the most joyful in the Kingdom! KINGDOM LIVING! Praying we all would strive to live this way!

Well, I believe I am coming out of some darkness! And, in His time, I will look back and see more silver linings than I'm able to see now. And, I pray I'd be more and more in love with Jesus! I end with sharing a poem I wrote on my 18th Spiritual Birthday this summer. I had a friend encourage me to meditate on the Beatitudes...considering all that I had just gone through.

So, even though I'm sitting here in all honesty declaring I failed...failed miserably in being thankful everyday and failed in being a "good Christian"...well, He still held me...IS holding me and WILL hold me! He HAS and WILL bless me! I'm hanging on to that His Beloved!

Poor or Rich?

You have no money,
but you're pure in heart.
A heart He softens
and tightly guards.

You're poor in Spirit
and can mourn for days.
The Kingdom is yours
you're rich in faith.

You hunger and thirst
with meekness inside.
Inherit the earth
be satisfied!

You're falsely accused
rejected by men
Receive His Mercy,
Mercy you give.

You take steps towards peace
and humbly confess.
Child of God
you are blessed!

So take His anointing,
The Spirit in you.
Love the oppressed,
Bring the good news!

-Tammy Carter(8/6/09)
Matt. 5:3-12, Is. 61:1, Jas 2:5